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What To Eat For Healthy Skin

berries2By Where to find the vitamins and minerals your skin needs to make it look radiant

Achieving radiant, younger-looking skin takes more than just a good skin care regimen. In fact, what you eat has also a lot to do with it.
Think about it: your skin is the biggest organ in your body, so whatever you eat will also take its toll on your skin. To get good skin, you have to start from within, which means eating the right kinds of food.

Here’s a list of foods you might want to pick up the next time you make a grocery run.
1. Low-fat yogurt. Low-fat dairy products not only give you a calcium boost (which helps prevent osteoporosis), but it also contains Vitamin A, which helps in the development of skin cells. Basically, your skin cells depend on Vitamin A to regenerate, making you look younger and healthier. Without it, you get dry, dull skin.
Added bonus: yogurt also contains live bacteria that’s good for your intestinal tract. A healthy digestive system reflects on good skin.
2. Berries. We’re talking strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and even plums! These babies pack lots of antioxidants and phytochemicals which protect us from free radicals — such as sun exposure and pollution — that can damage our skin cells.
Berries also help our bodies manufacture collagen, which as we all know, makes skin smooth and supple. Buy some and toss them in yogurt for an extra sweet treat!
3. Salmon. Salmon is an excellent source of Omega 3 fatty acids, which helps make cell membranes stronger and healthier. Stronger cells are able to hold in more moisture, which leaves you with plumper, youthful-looking skin. Plus a good amount of Omega 3 also helps keep your heart in good shape.
You can also get your dose of Omega 3 from avocados, walnuts, and dark, leafy vegetables.
4. Green Tea. Sip on this: green tea contains catechins and polyphenols which have anti-inflammatory characteristics and may even prevent certain skin cancers!
Research has also shown that the antioxidants found in green tea help reduce the risk of UV damage on skin cells. Plus, a cup of the stuff is high in Vitamin C, D, K, riboflavin, zinc, calcium, magnesium, and iron. Heck, no wonder green tea is used in so many beauty products!
5. Almonds. Almonds have tons of flavonoids, antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor characteristics.
These antioxidants deactivate free radicals in the body which help keep your skin cells healthy and happy. Plus, almonds are rich in Vitamin E and have essential oils that keep your skin moisturized from within.
The best way to enjoy them? Raw, unsalted, and with their skin on.
6. Water. Your body is made up of 60% water. If you don’t chug down H2O during the day, you become sluggish, dehydrated, and your skin gets dull and dry.
Water not only quenches your thirst, but it also washes out unhealthy toxins in your body — toxins which, if left to linger, show up on your face.
Drink at least eight glasses of water a day and more if you’re doing activities that cause you to sweat. Remember, if your body is well-fed and hydrated, you’ll feel and look better.

By Maui V. Reyes for Yahoo! Southeast Asia
In his 20’s from Manila, Philippines