Since I have been writing this column, we have covered several topics to help men look and feel their best while keeping up with the newest trends. One area that has been overlooked however, not only by myself but by the whole industry catering to men, is the importance of keeping your face clean and healthy looking.
An area of rapid growth in the sales of beauty products has been in products designed specifically for men. Contrary to popular belief, men are in fact concerned with their appearance, albeit to a lesser extent than women. Although this market is relatively new, experts predict cosmetics for men will be the next big thing in beauty products.
My argument is that if men are willing to spend money on cologne that make them smell good, why wouldn’t they spend money on something that makes them look good as well? Furthermore, since many men spend hours every week working out and taking care of their bodies, they are sure to want to take care of their faces if the products are available. Another example is the explosion in sales of hair growth treatments for balding men.
Since this is a new area, cosmetics companies are still unfamiliar with which products men are willing to try and which ones they are avoiding. They are experimenting with various forms of lotions, skincare and hair products.
Many people find the thought of men wearing make-up odd at first, but after seeing some of the products available, it makes sense. We sell lots of hair products, lotions, scrubs, oils, massage creams, razor blades, shaving needs, environmental sound products, the whole bit, says Sandy Pukel’s. He is the president of the Oak Feed Market in Coconut Grove, Florida, which features a department devoted exclusively to men’s health and beauty care products. I’m personally amazed at all the choices we have now, that we never used to have.
credit by: AskMen.com